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Tom Krcha's FlashRealtime

Hey amigo!
I am Tom Krcha, Gaming Evangelist at Adobe. These are my notes

Run your Flash apps in Xcode iOS Simulator with AIR 3.3

June 9th, 2012

AIR 3.3 adds a new feature to preview and debug your apps directly in iOS Simulator, which is part of Xcode on Mac. This speeds up testing and preview of an app or a game especially when you use native extensions.

[Download AIR 3.3 SDK]
[ADT command documentation]

Simulator support is not yet part of Flash Builder, but you can already use it via the command-line:

Compile for iOS Simulator
There are two new options available with adt for iOS Simulator compilation:
1) ipa-test-interpreter-simulator (for testing)
2) ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator (for debugging)

PATH_TO_AIR33SDK/bin/adt -package
-target ipa-test-interpreter-simulator
-provisioning-profile DEMO.mobileprovision
-keystore CERTIFICATE.p12
-storetype PKCS12

The command in on Mac:

Install to iOS Simulator
In order to install app to iOS Simulator use the -installApp switch. See usage below:

PATH_TO_AIR33SDK/bin/adt -installApp
-platform ios
-platformsdk /Applications/
-device ios-simulator
-package FINALIPA.ipa

Launch app in iOS Simulator
To launch the app, there is the -launchApp switch used together with the -appid.

PATH_TO_AIR33SDK/bin/adt -launchApp
-platform ios
-platformsdk /Applications/
-device ios-simulator
-appid com.krcha.IDofMyApplication

Uninstall app from iOS Simulator
Use the -uninstallApp switch. See below:

PATH_TO_AIR33SDK/bin/adt -uninstallApp
-platform ios
-platformsdk /Applications/
-device ios-simulator
-package com.krcha.IDofMyApplication

In the real world, it’s good to put the commands above in separate .sh or .bat files. You can also combine them into a single command to run your app even faster; for example:

Important note: in order to make native extensions run properly in iOS Simulator, you have to compile them with iPhone-x86 settings, not iPhone-ARM.
In extension.xml change the platform name

<platform name=”iPhone-x86″>

Waste Invaders running in the iOS Simulator.

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1 Comment »

  1. Thanks Tom, this is will be really handy for devs wanting to get this into the workflow and not wait until FB supports it.

    Comment by Mike G - Lime Rocket — June 11, 2012 @ 1:43 pm

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