Stream live to iPad and HTML5 with Flash Media Server
April 12th, 2011
Adobe has just previewed at NAB in Las Vegas a streaming technology that allows HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) via MPEG2 in addition to Flash streaming.
Reach next to Flash enabled devices also iPad and other HTML5 browsers (with HLS support, such as Safari) with Flash Media Server.
Have a look at this sneak peek video, where Kevin Towes shows these features
Cirrus January 2011 update
January 21st, 2011
Regarding the latest info from Michael Thornburg (Adobe) Codename Cirrus got refreshed and you can now leverage new two features.
One of them is sending developer key as as a second parameter of connect method, which improves security as key is not transmitted via URI.
So now you can call:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect("rtmfp://", "000000000000000000000000-000000000000");
Second feature enables you to send direct relayed messages to clients, this can be helpful for some kind of signaling or init. We highly recommend to use this only one or twice per connection as it consumes much more resources on Cirrus than P2P introduction.
// on sender peerID 9876 sending to peerID 1234"relay", null, "1234", "INVITE"); // on receiver peerID 1234, this callback happens nc.client.onRelay("9876", "INVITE");
Local Flash Peer-to-Peer Communication over LAN (without Cirrus/Stratus)
August 27th, 2010
Some of you guys were probably wondering how to establish P2P connections in the local network (LAN) without Adobe Cirrus. Yes. It’s possible. Using native IP-only multicast. Let’s build a simple chat with Posting. Adding Multicast broadcast is just a simple next step which I am sure you can accomplish by yourself with few hints from my article about Multicast
Open an IP Multicast connection. This can be done by specifying connection string as “rtmpf:”. Note, that this technique cannot be used for one-to-one communication. So no DIRECT_CONNECTIONS with NetStream, but you can do all RTMFP Group operations.
Screen Sharing Feature In Flash Now Available For Everyone!
August 18th, 2010
I can’t even say how much I was looking forward to this blog post. It’s here! This feature of Flash Player and special screensharing add-in, which you might know from Adobe Connect Pro or Adobe ConnectNow is now available for every single Flash Platform developer through LiveCycle Collaboration Service. This is THE KILLER FEATURE everyone, who is developing collaborative apps, was waiting for.
And I am happy to say: The waiting is over! You can now grab it and implement it right inside of your applications!
Try demo
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Source code is available in samples folder, which comes with LCCS SDK Navigator.
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P2P Chat with NetGroup in Flash Player 10.1
July 8th, 2010
This videotutorial is a follow-up of my tutorial Simple chat with P2P NetGroup in FP 10.1.
Peer-to-peer chat with NetGroup in Flash Player 10.1 (ADC video link)