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Tom Krcha's FlashRealtime

Hey amigo!
I am Tom Krcha, Gaming Evangelist at Adobe. These are my notes

E-seminar: Drupal and Flex

January 27th, 2010

Flex Let me invite you to e-seminar on Feb/05/2010 about Drupal and Flex presented by my fellow from Adobe - Mihai Corlan.

Find out what were the challenges and issues in creating a new Drupal Image Module using Flash and Flex technology. Get the inside tips from an Adobe Evangelist on what it takes to complete this kind of project, and stand a chance to win your own copy of Flex Builder* to help you get started with your development.
Walk through:

  • Front end design of widgets and main page
  • Back-end integration with Drupal
  • Importing your libraries from Flickr and Picassa
  • How to account for loading issues when having large libraries of images
  • Why Flex and ActionScript where the technology of choice for such a project

Join Mihai Corlan for a 30 minute e-seminar on how this module was built.

Flex 4 beginner series in Czech

January 26th, 2010

adobe-flex-1Just wanted to point my Czech readers to the Flex 4 beginner series I am
publishing at the popular developers magazine

The first issue is out:
Flex 4: Beginning

I am planning to publish an article per week.

Check it out!

ColdFusion 9 Free Workshop
in Prague on February 23

January 25th, 2010

ColdFusion Prague

My good friend and Adobe ColdFusion specialist Claude Englebert will be leading ColdFusion 9 workshop in Prague on February 23 2010 in the afternoon. I will join Claude and show some Flex 4/CF9 stuff. We have a limited number of seats so feel free to register now and reserve your place.

Location: Adobe Office Prague, Radlická 714/113a, Praha 5

Updated Stratus with Groups and Multicast

January 23rd, 2010

afcs_logoToday we launched newly updated Adobe Stratus (rendezvous-service for P2P clients). This update includes new P2P capabilities available in Flash Player 10.1 and AIR 2.0:

  • RTMP Groups
  • App Multicast
  • Object Replication
  • Posting
  • Directed Routing

Other sources:
- Read more about new Stratus capabilities here at Kevin’s blog.
- Also check out the new Labs page about RTMFP Groups.
- My article about Multicast in Flash Player 10.1
- Read about differences between Stratus and LCCS

Flash Game Development for Beginners

January 22nd, 2010

This is a great tutorial by Emanuele Feronato for all of you trying to understand basic game development concepts and properties like

  • Power
  • Speed
  • Friction
  • Wind
  • Rotation
  • Gravity
  • Thrust

Although these tutorials are written in ActionScript 2.0, you might find it very useful and easy to rewrite them in AS3.

Check it out here