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Tom Krcha's FlashRealtime

Hey amigo!
I am Tom Krcha, Gaming Evangelist at Adobe. These are my notes

Basics of P2P in Flash

May 31st, 2009

This videotutorial explains the basics of working with P2P (peer to peer) in Flash Player 10.

I made this tutorial with focus on simplicity of this fantastic feature of Flash. There are bunch of articles and examples in the world showing how to create your own P2P app, but most of them are very complex or hard to catch.

In this tutorial you’ll get idea how to connect two different peers and exchange data between them with ActionScript 3.0 and Flex only.

- familiarity with ActionScript 3 and Flex Framework
- Flash Player 10 Debug version installed download
- Flex Framework 3.3+ download

P2P in Flash

Videotutorial: (20 min.) 
Try: P2P demo (run in two browsers, explained in video)
Source: download

Note: Programatically the main P2P logic is not to connect peers together just via NetConnection, but by defining peerIDs to NetStream.
PS: don’t forget to change your Flex Compiler settings to use Flash Player 10
Btw: nice P2P Mill Game done by my friend Pavel Šimek 

Good Luck!

Future of RIA, Prague - Final Agenda

May 19th, 2009

Official and final agenda of Future of RIA in Prague, Thursday 21st May 2009.

Start Stop Runtime Topic Speaker
9:30 09:35 00:05 Introduction Tom Krcha, Adobe
9:35 10:35 01:00 Keynote: Platform Overview, Future of RIA and technologies in Adobe Ben Forta, Adobe
10:35 11:00 00:25 World Successful Flash projects Michal MetliÄŤka, Adobe
11:00 12:00 01:00 Creating Realtime Social Apps

(Adobe Flash Collaboration Service, Facebook API)

Tom Krcha, Adobe
12:00 12:45 00:45 Break  
12:45 13:15 00:30 Keynote 2: Enterprise apps built on Adobe technologies Ben Forta, Adobe
13:15 13:40 00:25 Partner projects: 3D textures in Photoshop for SecondLife Pavel Řehulek,
13:40 14:10 00:30 What’s new in CS4 Michal MetliÄŤka, Adobe
14:10 14:40 00:30 Alchemy - Extending Flash Player 10 with C++ Vojtěch Kopal,
14:40 14:55 00:15 Break  
14:55 15:35 00:40 Webdeveloper workflow - Fireworks, Dreaweaver Stanislav Szkandera,
15:35 15:50 00:15 Partner projects: Enterprise Flex+SOA in Hewlett Packard Robert Macháček + Jan Trčka, HP
15:50 16:20 00:30 Introduction to ColdFusion Tomáš Tegelhoff,

You can register here:

External Authentication with AFCS

May 12th, 2009

This videotutorial takes Adobe Flash Collaboration Service to the next level. By enabling custom login or external authentication makes your AFCS applications far more useful in your own systems. So you don’t need to use credentials to access your app, but you can use your own user database or LDAP service to check login details and then grant users different rights/roles.

- Understand Zend_AMF and PHP basics - see videotutorial (by Lee Brimelow)
- Running PHP server with Zend Framework
- afcs.php - part of AFCS SDK (extras/scripts/afcs.php)

Duration: 12:40


Source: (Flex and PHP)

Ben Forta is coming to Prague

May 11th, 2009

Conference Future of the internet is in RIA locked and tracked :)

Thursday 21st May 2009 is going to be Adobe conference in Prague with special guest Ben Forta (, well known Senior Technical Evangelist (Adobe).

There is going to be bunch of presentations on Future of RIA, Adobe Flash Collaboration Service, Flash Media Server, Flash Facebook API, ColdFusion, CS4 Highlights, using Photoshop in SecondLife and much more, plus presentations of outstanding RIA projects from Czech Republic and Sweden.

Most of the conference is going to be in Czech language, but still if you are non-czech speaker living near-by, this is the great opportunity for you to come and see Ben.

You can register here: (czech page only)

Registrations are limited.

+ Facebook event as a reminder:

Looking forward to see you!

Simple VideoChat using AFCS

May 6th, 2009

In this video-tutorial of Adobe Flash Collaboration Service, you will find the easiest possible way of building your own VideoChat, which you can easily take and reuse on your site or in your company. It’s pretty easy, just combine few default components and it’s done.
Tutorial also includes some basics of AFCS, to get started.

Click to play videotutorial

Duration: 13:31


Source code:

Enjoy :)