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Tom Krcha's FlashRealtime

Hey amigo!
I am Tom Krcha, Gaming Evangelist at Adobe. These are my notes

Video Interview: Branden Hall on Spiking Methodics

February 26th, 2009

Updated: added mapSpike.swf for better explanation

During the FITC (Flash in The Can) Amsterdam 23rd February 2009 I’ve met with Branden Hall and done quick interview with him.

Branden Hall at FITC

His session at FITC was about Spiking Greedy SWFs - which is a methodics for proofing concepts - in other words - doing little subprojects/subscripts in a big project - just to proof that certain ‘problematic’ functionality could work. For instance - to find out, if this Bitmap filter in a special setup could even work and then you implement it into bigger projects. Or if Flash Player can handle particular CPU demanding procedures. It’s like little sub-lab-projects - to find the right way. Once it works, you take this code and add it to complex project.

Watch the video to get it explained right way ;)

Watch this video in HD

Spike example (mapSpike.swf):

As explained by Branden:
“This SWF is just a quick spike of an idea I had for solving a map-
based problem.

The client wanted me to place points on a map - and those points would
be specified by latitude and logitude. However, the map they provided
was drawn by an artist and wasn’t accurate. So, I had to create a
distortion grid that would let me specify how the artists map was
different from a real map. So, what I planned on doing was figuring
out which 4 points in the grid surrounded the point I was trying to
map. Then I could just use percentages to figure out where I should
place my point. This SWF is my test of the concept - you can drag
around the four points and then move the sliders to see where it would
map the point based on different percentages.”

Useful links:
Branden Hall - Spiking Greedy SWFs

Branden Hall - Understanding Adobe Alcheymy

I’ve got inspired at FITC Amsterdam 09

February 25th, 2009

The funny thing about these events is, that you’re actually meeting hardcore developers wearing punk-clothes and yes our community is just awesome. By attending this event, you are just proud to be a Flash developer or designer. It’s just so different from any other communities. These people are doing the most stunning websites in the world, absolutely cool 3D animations, sounds visualizations and combining all these nice things to bring the most outstanding RIAs. This is why I think is something, where Flash will always be the Flash and cannot be beaten by any other technology.

It’s just a CULT! And that’s why you should go there and see and breathe the atmosphere.

I did few video interviews there and bring them soon to my blog together with more materials.

But for now. Some of my shots:

Jared Ficklin drummin' on a bin
Jared Ficklin drummin’ on a bin

Jared Ficklin Dancing
Jared Ficklin Dancing

Crazy stuff
Buy Crazy Stuff

Dan LaCivita on Interacting 3D in Flash
Dan LaCivita on Interacting 3D in Flash

Serge Jespers - controlling TV via Mobile Phone
Serge Jespers - controlling screen via Mobile Phone using FlashLite

and lot of others - checkout my Flickr:

Stay tuned for more from FITC!

Fabulous Adobe Girls!

February 19th, 2009

Guys, this is something I really have to blog about - just to share the passion with you. Welcome to our dreams!

Some of my shots during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona:

Adobe Girls

Adobe Girls

Adobe Girls

Adobe Girls

Adobe Girls

Adobe Girls

MWC Video Interview: Alessandro Pace aka Biskero - FlashLite guru

February 16th, 2009

MWC just started and I was really happy to see one of the top FlashLite bloggers visiting our Adobe Booth. I’ve spent a minute talking to him and asking him about his feelings on the event.

Buenos dias Barcelona! It’s Mobile World Congress time!

February 15th, 2009

Thousands of painters, hand workers and other staff are building the biggest mobile event in the world - The Mobile World Congress! Four days of the future technologies, breaking devices - “man toys”, upcoming trends, fights of the platforms … oh, and beautiful - no! - fabulous spanish girls.

I’ll keep you guys updated.

… just a sneak peek image of our booth - all the phones are still hidden:

Adobe Booth @ MWC 2009

Adobe Booth @ MWC 2009

Check Serge’s video from the afternoon here:

Behind the scenes at Mobile World Congress @