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Tom Krcha's FlashRealtime

Hey amigo!
I am Tom Krcha, Gaming Evangelist at Adobe. These are my notes

“Future of Flash” - FlashGaMM conference, Kiev

October 27th, 2008

On Saturday I was speaking at FlashGaMM conference (25-26th Oct 2008 in Kiev, Ukraine) through Adobe Connect. My session covered Flash Player 10 new features, Flash CS4 new features and finally quick Device Central CS4 walkthrough - which I suppose to be the best tool ever for testing FlashLite applications. 

There were about 100 people watching in a hall on a projector and 21 more remotely via Connect.

Adobe Connect room

From the experience I can say Adobe Connect simplifies my life a lot. I’ve been developing similar app years ago. For those of you who never tried Adobe Connect - you can use it free for 3 person meeting at (ConnectNow) - also great for studies.

When I first tried Device Central CS4 I have decided to make a simple game for AIR, Browser (Flash Player) and FlashLite … you can expect this in about a month as a tutorial and try as well.

Creative Suite 4 Launch - Bratislava, Prague

October 24th, 2008

It’s been great time with friends from Adobe and partner/distributor companies past three days.

We’ve been launching Creative Suite 4 for both Slovaks and Czechs.

First day took place at Holiday Inn Hotel in Bratislava. More than 200 people came so we had to add more chairs to the hall, I like such situations :)

The day started Michal Metlička with his visionary keynote. Then the well adjusted team (Kryštof Pospíšil and Tom Metlička) rocked mostly about publishing CS4 tools Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator. My session about Flex and AIR including Flash CS4 demo took place after the lunch break. At the end of the day I showed Pixel Bender and Device Central. The Dreamweaver session was hosted by Tomáš Miškovský, web professional from our partner company. Whole day was jokingly moderated by Richard Markuzy.

We gave few presents in the competition for lucky guys.

Second day was actually the same - but in big cinema room in Prague. About 400 people came to see what coming next.

Let me show you few photos:
[flickr album=72157608588695773 num=30 size=Square]

Hope to see you soon at our next CS4 event, which will target video - Premiere, After Effects, Flash Media Server and other products. Watch my calendar so you are in touch with our upcoming events.

Photos by Milan and Kryštof

Java User Group Prague invited Flex/Java specialist Cornel Creanga

October 21st, 2008

My colleague Platform Evangelist at Adobe Cornel Creanga presented yesterday possibilities of Flex and Java backends here in Prague, CZ. The event took place at Czech Technical University and was organized by local Java User Group - guys mainly from the university, HP and SUN. Cornel showed the simplicity of using Flex and AIR with LiveCycle DataServices and Blaze DataServices (opensource) - which are leading data server products of Adobe. 

It’s been a great time and I also enjoyed perfect networking among 10 people afterwards in a pub - good chat Adobe + HP + Sun.

Thanks for coming!


Presenting Flex at Java UG Prague

Cornel presenting Flex at Java UG Prague


Cornel Creanga

Cornel presenting Flex at Java UG Prague

WebExpo 2008, Praha

October 19th, 2008

V průběhu víkendu 18. - 19. 10. 2008 proběhla v Praze na České zemědělské univerzitě konference WebExpo 2008, která byla mimo jiné podpořená společností Adobe. Sobotní blok byl věnován spíše technologii .NET, zatímco v nedělní části měli návštevníci příležitost nahlédnout do možností Creative Suite, Adobe Platform a dalších.

Mezi uĹľiteÄŤnĂ© prezentace patĹ™ila pĹ™ednáška klukĹŻ grafikĹŻ - Jakuba KrÄŤmáře ( a Jiřího Tvrdka ( “PokroÄŤilĂ© techniky designu webu v Adobe Photoshop”, kde ukázali mnohĂ© good-to-know techniky pro webovĂ© grafiky.

Velmi vtipně pojatou přednášku o Flexu a AIRu měl Juraj Michálek ze společnosti Hravá ukázka toho jak funguje Garbage Collector s pomerančem, židlí a pravítkem mě docela pobavila :) *THUMBS UP*

Taktéž byl odměněn Michal Gron, vítěz Adobe soutěže ve Flexu na WebExpu.

V dopolednĂ­m bloku jsem dostal hodinovĂ© slovo a moĹľnost pĹ™edstavit novinky Flash Playeru 10, Flexu, AIRu, Flashe CS4, novĂ©ho jazyka pro vytvářenĂ­ grafickĂ˝ch akcelerovanĂ˝ch filtrĹŻ - Pixel Bender a na závÄ›r bylo Ĺ™eÄŤeno pár slov o produktu pro ulehÄŤenĂ­ práce programátorĹŻm s kĂłdovĂ˝m názvem “Thermo”. Ve svĂ© pĹ™ednášce jsem zmĂ­nil i podporu Peer2Peer v novĂ©m FP10.

Mrkněte na mé slidy (5.7 MB - html/swf - chvilku strpení při načítání):


Flash Player Driving Innovation

Flash Player - Driving Innovation

PS: V brzké době se můžete těšit na ukázky z Pixel Benderu.

Hello World!

October 16th, 2008

Guys … this is going to be fun!

After long years of building Flash apps, streaming solutions and IPTV mainly at PRO-ZETA Broadcasters, it’s a pleasure to share with you my experience and focus on upcoming future.

I am going to cover these topics - regarding Adobe Platform (Flash Player/Flex/AIR) - during the next year in tips and tricks form + examples:

- Flash Player 10
- Pixel Bender and custom filters
- Flex 3,4
- Thermo
- Blaze DS
- Flash Media Server 3.x
- News, conferences, discussions…

- and lot’s more…

I am going to write in English language, but still I will use Czech when I suppose it’s more Czech market or developer oriented.

Also make sure you check my calendar - so we can meet at events and have a little chat or a coffee.

In few weeks, this site will get a facelift - I have it already on the table, but good work takes a time and … stay tuned, you will like it :)